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29.5R29 Amberstone SMS+ 2 star tyre
Product Code P5870
Tyre Details
Tyre Size 29.5R29
Brand Amberstone
Pattern SMS+
Ply Rating
Industry Code L-5S
Diameter 2023 mm
Width 750 mm
Weight 1047 kg
Dimensions are provided based on the manufacturer specifications.
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Price excl. GST: $3,500 +GST
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About the manufacturer
Amberstone Founded in 1994

Based in China, Amberstone tyre company is one of the major manufacturers of tyres in China. They supply tyres to a wide range of applications including tyres for surface mining, underground mining, quarries and construction, industrial handling and port. Quality is of the upmost importance to the company.

While we do our best to ensure our data is correct, Big Tyre does not guarantee the accuracy of the tyre specifications shown on this page. If this information is critical for your application please refer to the tyre manufacturer's specifications.

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