Solid Rubber Wheels
Big Tyre can build solid rubber wheels to suit many different applications.

We have the capability to bond rubber to rims of almost any size including custom designs for specialized applications.
Rubber is bonded to steel using Big Tyre’s high quality rubber bonding technique, providing a seamless join between rubber and steel. Wheels built in this way can be relied upon to perform well for years even in severe working conditions.
Wheels can be provided with a smooth finish or grooved with a tread pattern.
Custom Branding
In some circumstances Big Tyre can provide solid wheels with custom branding or no branding. Contact us about putting your branding on one of our wheels.
Rubber Compounds
A range of premium grade rubber compounds are available to suit different hardness, heat dissipation and cut resistance requirements. Only high quality, natural rubber compounds are used as they provide unparalleled durability in severe working conditions.
Some of the applications we have built solid rubber wheels for include:
- Forklifts and LHDs working in underground mines
- Heavy trailer wheels for carrying large generators and underground roof supports
- Potato rollers
- Drive wheels, idler wheels and mid rollers for tractors with rubber tracks
- Wheels for vintage vehicles such as Brenn gun carriers and vintage fire engines
- Wagon wheels for horse drawn carriages
- Pipe trailer wheels
Big Tyre offers a warranty on all solid wheels we manufacture.
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